Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Following the YES

Well, Murray and I are in Bali for nine months, following our dreams.  We are available to see what happens to us as we learn bahasa Indonesia, get massages, swim in the pool, walk through the rice fields to eat smoked duck. We meet people from all over over world. Many of them are following their own call- right here to Bali.
It took us eighteen months of preparation to get this big chunk of time. Now we let go and see what happens.  Murray quit his job as an occupational therapist in the schools, and I brought my clients with me via Skype.  I am a coaching therapist with a wicked sense of humor.  I have to tell you, playing with clients as I sit poolside among the palm trees and aromatic flowers feels pretty damned wicked and wonderful.
We live in a two bedroom house on the grounds of Melati (jasmine) cottages in Penestanen, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia. If you have to look up where that is, you will be just where I was in December 2007 before I made my first trip to Bali.  In the Balinese language there is no word for art because everything is art.  The people laugh easily, smile with humility, and live every day in gratitude.  If you love going to sleep listening to frogs and crickets and geckos ( a barking lizard) and waking up with roosters, and you love being warm, you might love Bali too.
We'd love to respond to your questions and comments, so bring them on.  I've been longing for a longterm overseas adventure for forty years. Murray is willing to bring his sense of humor and adventure here to support his wild wife.  For the record, he is a peach.


P.S.  This link will take you to a You Tube movie from our Bali Birthday bon voyage Blast we threw in our backyard right before we left on our adventure.  It might make you laugh, especially if you are nearly sixty.

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