Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Why Worry

Hati- Hati: (be careful)
Are Balinese people just amazingly optimistic?  Is there an unspoken widespread death wish in the culture?  No one in Bali thinks that bad things can happen to them.  Judge for yourself:  motor cyclists driving the wrong way on 1-way streets, balconies have rails that are no higher than your knees, open manholes along the sidewalk, everywhere.  That is not exactly tourist friendly policy to encourage return travel.
We had a wonderful young man install Internet for us the other day. He shimmied along the edge of the tiled roof, barefooted, to place the radio receiver.   No helmet, gloves, ladder, or safety cable.  Later he spliced electrical wiring without bothering to turn off the power to the house.  He’s fine; I’m still taking deep breaths.
Ergonomics have not made much headway.  Local women carry cement and bricks on their head. Their shoulders are bigger than mine.   They carry loads that would give a buffalo a hernia.
Farmers and gardeners jab coconuts with 20 foot poles and hop out of the way as they crash down.  No protection.   Perhaps they need to genetically modify the trees to make soft coconuts in the interest of worker safety.
As beautiful as Bali can be, you have to be mindful.   Manholes, falling coconuts, and dare-devil drivers are reminders to stay in the moment.
P.S.  Since I’m not the most optimistic person, and do not have a death wish, we had the rail replaced in our house. I am not ready to be one with the universe.

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